Wait: A Love Letter To Those In Despair


Bij deze boekpresentatie zal Cuong Lu een lezing van 30 minuten geven. Daarna kunnen de deelnemers de vragen stellen. Een boek plus zijn handtekening zal naar de deelnemer gestuurd worden.

Prijs is inclusief:

30 min lezing
30 min vraag en antwoord
Het boek Wait met handtekening van de auteur


19:00 Aankomst
19:15-19:45 Lezing
19:45-20:15 Vraag en Antwoord
20:15 Afsluiting

Het toonaangevende American Publishers Weekly (dat wekelijks interessante boeken introduceert aan 6000 uitgevers, 5500 openbare bibliotheken, 3800 boekverkopers, 1600 auteurs, 1500 universiteits- en universiteitsbibliotheken) heeft een recensie gepubliceerd voor Wait:

"Cuong (The Buddha in Jail), a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and former prison chaplain, urges readers to not give in to anger in this eloquent work. Suffering, he asserts, cannot be avoided, and he begs those in despair to “please choose to live” and recognize that self-harm or suicide are acts of violence against everyone because individuality is an illusion. Cuong convincingly locates the roots of suffering in the failure to appreciate constant flux, particularly when people attempt to judge new moments against similar previous events. He also enjoins readers to not feed anger by patiently listening when a loved one lashes out. He closes with a consideration of false versions of happiness (money, sex, power, food, and being asleep) and the suggestion that happiness is “a by-product of living honestly” rather than something to be sought on its own. Though most of Cuong’s encouragements attempt to only reframe thinking, he does provide two meditation and breathing exercises. Cuong’s clear explanations offer hard-won hope for anyone struggling to see the bright side." - Publisher Weekly.

Booklist is een publicatie van de American Library Association die voor alle leeftijden kritische recensies geeft van boeken en audiovisueel materiaal. Het primaire publiek van Booklist bestaat uit bibliotheken, docenten en boekverkopers. Het tijdschrift is beschikbaar voor abonnees in print en online.

“Readers feeling as though empathy is lacking in our society should look no further than this book from Buddhist scholar Lu (The Buddha in Jail, 2019). Lu fled Vietnam with his family in the 1970s and witnessed a shooting as a child: he is no stranger to trauma or pain. Writing with authenticity, and without trite words or catchphrases, he explains how he was able to cope with trauma and become who he is today. He offers much sound advice. Allow yourself to feel all emotions; suffering is necessary to appreciate happy times. Rather than avoiding adversity, develop coping methods to become a stronger person. Only when you love yourself, flaws and all, can you truly be at peace. Lu offers realistic ways to combat emotional pain and anger, and does not shy from suggesting societal causes of these feelings. Despite the bleakness one may feel today, it's impossible not to feel some optimism after reading this book. Perhaps the most important lesson here is that we are all more connected than we realize.”—Booklist


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    Dinsdag 9 Februari 2020
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Wait: A Love Letter To Those In Despair

Wait: A Love Letter To Those In Despair

Boekpresentatie Cuong Lu